The Mature Relationship

Dependence, independence, Inter Dependence

Love 😍 can have three dimensions. One is that what happen to the majority of people. 
The husband is dependent on the wife, the wife is dependent on the husband. They exploit each other, they dominate each other, they possess each other, they reduce each other to a commodity. 
That's why love, which can open the gate of paradise opens only the gate of hell. 

The second possibility is love between two independent persons 
That too happens once in a while. But that too brings misery, because there is constant conflict. No adjustments is possible ; both are so independent and nobody is ready to compromise ;to adjust with the other 

The third possibility is inter dependence. That happen is very rarely but when ever its happens as part of paradise falls on the earth. Two persons, neither inter dependent but in tremendous synchronisity, as if breathing for each other, one soul in two bodies whatever that happens love 😍 has happened.


Millions of people remain childish all their lives, they never grow up. They grow in age but they never grow in their minds, their psychology remains juvenile, immature. They are always needing love, they are hankering for it like food. 

Man becomes mature the moment he starts loving rather than needing. He starts over flowing, sharing ;he starts givibg. The emphasis is totally different. 
Within the first emphasis is on how to get more. Within the second how to give more and how to give unconditionally. This is growth, maturity, coming to you.

The basic problem of love is to first become mature. Then you will find mature partner, then immature people will not attract you at all. Its just like that. 

A mature person has the integrity to be alone. And when a mature person gives love, he gives without any strings attached to it, he simply gives. When mature person gives love, he feels grateful that you have accepted his love, not vice versa. He does not even need your thank. He thank you for accepting his love.

Immature people falling in love destroy each others freedom, make a prison. Mature person in love help each other to destroy all sort of boundaries. And when love flows with freedom there is beauty. Even when love flows with dependence there is ugliness.

Love, to be really has to being love. Gift love. Being love means a state of love..Then the fragrance spreads and you can give it to others. How can you give something that you don't have? To give it, the basic requirement is to have it. 

Two persons should be allowed to live together long enough to become acquainted, familiar with each other. Before that even if they want to get married they should not be allowed. Then divorces will disappear from the world. 
